In the Spring of 1954 my grandmother, Patrica Jean Osborne, took a ship across the Atlantic to visit my grandfather, Chester Carl Ambrose, where he served in Germany.
This is the letter that Poppie wrote to Grandma. An envelope for each day of her journey to visit her fiance.
Each envelope was a delightful surprise. Sometimes funny. Always heartfelt.
He used official forms and letterhead. Filled them out to make her laugh...
To make her feel loved.
Some were very saucy. They made me blush. They made me wish I had known more about their courtship and early life.
"Just to make it official- Here it is in triplicate- I love you" |
The last letter she opened was written in April of 1954 and read on May 24, 1954. It went as follows:
My dearest Pat,
With the ring that you now have on your finger goes all my love. I probably didn’t get the right words in their proper place so here it is in writing.
But remember that the diamond is nothing but a rough stone. Only after it is cut & chipped to show its many sides does it gain its beauty & sparkle. We are that rough stone with as much to offer as the diamond. Let us with help of each other gain the finished product. First our love, a family and always, the sparkle that I know we will always have.
With all my love,
This amazing love story is one that evolved into a strong and happy marriage that lasted for over 50 years. They had three children and six grandchildren. They set an example of what a family should look like and how a couple should love and support each other. Their home was filled with laughter and warmth and always had an open door. I wish that everyone could have such a wonderful example of love in their life. I am truly blessed to be a part of such a lovely legacy and family.
crying now. but in a good way.