Sunday, April 17, 2011


Not even one month into my little nifty fifty project and I have failed! Arg! Luckily, this is not something being judged. It is not even something that I have to give up once I've made a mistake. I promised California in March and here it is, mid-April, and I am FINALLY getting around to posting it. Truth be told, it has been done for over a week (although this would have still made it late) but I felt that in order to make up for being so darn late I should come bearing a second state. That is why I took a little extra time to make a headband for Florida, as well! So here they are, together, California "The Golden State" and Florida "The Sunshine State":


  1. they are both so cute! and i love poppies. what states are next up on the docket? :o)

  2. if you ever sell the poppie, i love it and would buy it!
